Monday, November 9, 2009

Photos and Video Posted!

Just wanted to let everyone know that we have posted our photos from the trip online. We have also posted the videos shown at our report night, for those who were unable to attend (and for those who want to watch them again).

The photos are here:
The videos are here:


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Report Night Coming Soon!

Hello friends! We are currently in the planning stages for our report night. I know it seems somewhat far away from our actual trip, and we are sorry that we could not have it sooner. However, as an added bonus for waiting, you will get to hear from not only our team, but also from the India and Thailand teams as well! We will be having a joint report night with them on November 1st where we will dine together, worship together, and share stories and videos. To view more details and RSVP, please check out our evite at Hope to see you there!

Monday, August 24, 2009

We are back!

Dear friends and family,

We are back from Costa Rica safe and sound! They say those who go on missions will never be the same, and we can honestly testify to that. We are processing everything we've learned and sharing them with each other (to keep each other accountable.) We can't wait to share the goodness and faithfulness our Heavenly Father with you! He has poured down His blessings unto us as a group and individuals alike!

It was extremely difficult to say goodbye to the children and caretakers at the orphanage on the last day. We printed some pictures we took with them throughout our times there and made them into personalized frames for each child and caretaker. As we were presenting the frames to them, we took turn affirming and blessing them. It was such a special moment for all of us, and needless to say we used up lots of tissues. :) The children and caretakers kept thanking us and giving us small presents; the older girls even choreographed a dance for us. Their affection deeply warmed our hearts...

Our team and the host family went zip-lining in Monteverde the day before we left CR. It was a first-time for many of us, and we had incredible fun! It was so amazing to count blessings while walking (or zip-lining) through the rainforest and drinking in the beauty of His creation. The longest and probably the scariest ride was called Superman. One could literally do a superman pose throughout the entire zip-ride since you don't get to hold onto the cables as with other zip-lines. Our backs were, instead, tied securely (or we hoped) by three strong cables. We could do nothing but to trust the creator of the zip-line and the strength of the cables. Isn't this a little like our faith in Him? Many times it is not until we let go did we allow Him to take us on a ride of our lifetime! And sure enough, we could not stop praising Him as we rode through the valleys and marvel the different shades of green on the hills!

Thank you again for being there for us! We could not have done it without your prayers and support! We will be hosting a Report Night to share more stories, pictures, and videos with you. We've also brought back some delicious snacks and chocolates from CR for that night~ We'll update you once we confirm a time.

Take care guys and send us your prayer requests too!

Pura Vida,
the CR treX team

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 10 Video Blog

Irene talking about finishing the construction work at the orphanage.

Day 8 Video Blog

Jean talking about our plan for the day, filmed on the street of Costa Rica

Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 7 - Update of Week 1

Day 7/8 August 3rd, 2009

We have been in Costa Rica for a week and this is an update on our ministry work and what God has been showing us after the first week.

Construction and Field project:
- The work on erecting the fence around the orphanage playground has gone smoothly. The fence construction is completed and we have begun painting. Some of us worked daily on clearing the field of weeds. As we did that – we were reminded of the “weeds” within our heart and the need to go to God’s word often to keep our minds cleared of worldly cares. We also planted five fruit trees at the orphanage with the help of the children. As the fruit trees give fruit, we pray that God’s word will grow and bear fruit in these children’s lives.

Ministry with the Orphanage Children
- We do activities with the children at the orphanage each afternoon. Praise God – we went from not knowing what activities would work and how to connect with the orphanage staff on Day 1 to quickly experiencing God’s revelation that He can work with very little (our skills/knowledge/experience) to allow us to quickly build familiarity with the children and relationships with the staff. God allowed us to share a tender moment at the orphanage when we observed the departure of one of the oldest orphans after living there for 11 years. The staff was crying and the other kids were visibly sad. We realized then the reality of being in an orphanage involves living with the possibility that any child could be pulled out at any time; and the rest of the “family” will need to work through the trauma. One of our team members gave a staff member a big hug during that tender moment. We believe that paved the way for building a better relationship with the staff. In the subsequent days (from Day 3) we were accepted and welcomed at every visit. By the end of week 1, we could not even imagine not going to the orphanage every afternoon. We also learned that ministry to the staff may be just as important as to the children.

- During these days, we did many craft projects and stories in an effort to bring out some aspect of the gospel or of the promises in the Bible. We know our time here is short and we ask you to pray that all of our activities and interactions will leave something of God behind. Please pray specifically for the older girls at the orphanage – they have been less interested in all the activities we have led and maybe they do not feel as included; they are older and language is a real barrier to getting to know them more. But we feel that their need for God at this tender age is even greater. Please pray that God will open the doors to some form of interaction with these girls that will leave His footprint.

Team building and Worship
- Since we cannot go to the orphanage during the weekend, we were able to take advantage of an opportunity to take an excursion (at our own expense) to go white-water rafting last Saturday. We also brought along two of the Portantorchas students who have been driving and helping us at the orphanage. The rafting was not only great for fun and teambuilding, but it also allowed the team to witness the natural beauty of Costa Rica – as created and intended by God.
- On this past Sunday, God prepared a surprise for us. We visited a local Spanish church. We were expecting the sermon to be in Spanish only. But instead, Dr. Ramesh Richards (Professor from Dallas Seminary) was the guest speaker. He expounded on Psalm 133 with powerful conviction. “BEHOLD, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” It was not only a message on church unity for this large Costa Rican church, but also a message for us – as a short term mission team. We felt blessed that God has prepared this rich teaching for us – even whilst we are thousands of miles away from our home church. So through week 1, we have seen His provision for our spirits and our needs.

Prayer requests:
- Pray for wisdom in engaging and ministering to the older girls at the orphanage.
- Pray for team-building facilitation exercises that we will be doing with the incoming class at Portantorchas Bible School
- Pray for wisdom in profitable sharing as we head to a men’s & women’s shelter tomorrow (Tuesday)
- Pray for us individually – as some of us are experiencing needs that are arising back home – while we are participating in God’s work here. (Please pray that Joanna’s housing issue back home will be resolved quickly.)
- Pray for continued unity and moving forward in one spirit. Thanks for your prayers on this as we are seeing God’s work indeed.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 5 - Morning Orphange Site Work

Check out Jeff's description of what we did Friday morning: